Monday, May 30, 2011

Sperm Whale.

Just finished a commission of a sperm whale for a friend. 

Sperm Whale for Grace.

Also did another grey drawing recently.

Graphite and colored pencil

I found a wonderful tumbler focused on scientific illustration, which I've always been fascinated by.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Waiting for the Redwoods...

A recent drawing inspired by a National Geographic documentary called "Climbing Redwood Giants."
I've never seen them and now feel even more compelled to gaze upon them with my own two eyes.

Graphite and colored pencil.

Recently, I also went to a NASA lecture at a local bar here in B-town. I have never really payed too much attention to science in space and more to things taking place here. But really, they go hand in hand. 
The true awesomeness of space... the grand scale... it puts a great deal into perspective for me. 
I enjoy feeling so small. Nature has a way of doing that.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

More Little Animals for Scout Hall!

These paintings will be at the "Sprout Hall" spring show and sale this Friday and Saturday.
If you are in Kitsap, or just want to get out of dodge for the day, I suggest you stop by and check it out. There will be some lovely things, including cool bags and pennants by Derek Nobbs!

Hope to see you there!